Not known for a tendency to do things by halves, along with the new look and the new websites, we have some new people in our team.

Kevin Gray-Roberts is our Trade Development Manager, discovering where the market opportunities lie and how to make them happen. The goal is more and better business, making our members strong and resilient. Kevin has worked within Cornwall’s food and drink scene for many years and had been one of our freelance associates until finally succumbing to our charms (cracking?) and joining the permanent team.  With Kevin in place we will be rolling out a series of new trade development initiatives, starting with a project aimed at getting more Cornish produce into Cornish school meals.


Rosie Willmot is our new Admin and Marketing Officer. Bright and bubbly, she’s just itching to get her teeth into our marketing campaigns and keep us all organised.  She also manages all aspects of our membership scheme and is therefore the first port of call for anyone interested in joining our happy band of members, or for any questions from existing members about their membership.